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The Priorities Fund of The Church of Ireland


Kilkenny College

Kilkenny College was awarded €15,000 in 2016 for the renovation of a laboratory, to provide a new chapel to meet the spiritual needs of the school.

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The Furrow

Dioceses of Meath and Kildare

The Dioceses of Meath and Kildare received a grant of €6,000 from the 2015 Fund towards the provision of a pitch, set and resources for a Church of Ireland presence at the 2016 Ploughing Championships in Tullamore.

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Kells Union of Parishes

Meath Diocese

A grant of €5,000 was awarded to this parish in 2016 to help create a central hub, for parishioners to gather for social and ministerial purposes and to engage with the wider community.

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St Columba’s Parish Church, Knock

Down and Diocese

In 2016 this parish was awarded a grant of Stg£2,000, to facilitate renewed parochial growth and community outreach, by transforming the west end of St Columba’s parish church.

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Nohoval Parish Church

Cork Diocese

This parish was awarded €10,000 from the 2013 Fund, to assist with alterations to the ‘Upper Room’ in Nohoval Parish Church, for ministry and outreach to the parish and wider village community.

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St Paul’s Caring Group, Lisburn

Connor Diocese

In 2014 and 2015, grants totalling Stg£25,000 were awarded to support the ‘IMPACT’ Youth and Children’s Project, serving Christ through social and community outreach.

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Bandon Grammar School

Cork Diocese

This school was awarded €5,000 in 2015, to assist with the renovation and furnishing of a rundown and disused boardroom, to convert is for use as a chapel to meet the spiritual needs of the school.

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Dunboyne Union

Meath Diocese

In 2015, this union was awarded a grant of €15,000 to assist with the provision of a parish centre facility, to serve the needs of the parish and the wider community.

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St Brigid’s the Braniel Mission Area

Down & Dromore Dioceses

In 2014 and 2015 this project was awarded Stg£21,000 as seed funding, to build a new church congregation among the many young families who have no church connection.

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